Just Pizza gives City Mission turkeys
JUST PIZZA delivers just in time for Thanksgiving
BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) – A popular western New York pizzeria made a special delivery to help the hungry this holiday season. Just Pizza delivered 100 turkeys to the Buffalo City Mission. The owner of Just Pizza answered the mission’s plea for holiday dinner donations. Former Just Pizza Vice President Mark Campanella said, “I mean, when you’re talking about the masses of a couple of thousand turkeys that are needed to feed the less fortunate, it’s the right thing to do, it’s the time to do it. And it’s a means of giving back to the community that’s been so good to us.”The mission is still in need of donations. They have collected 560 turkeys so far, but more than 2,000 are needed to provide more than 3,500 meals to homebound seniors, families, and individuals during this holiday period.
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month at Just Pizza
JUST PIZZA’S Founder Rudy Alloy Jr. stands alongside some of the Hundreds of the PINK JUST PIZZA – PIZZA BOXES that his JUST PIZZA’S are using through the Month of October to Demonstrate his companies Awareness during NATIONAL BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH.